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tamoadmin 2024-08-17 人已围观
简介1.RNA sequencing: the age years2.含糊其辞的解释3.求指导:ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined4.含糊其辞的成语解释5.商务便装用英语怎么说6.散文汉译英,接上篇,求大神帮忙7.英语翻译8.画家卢梭 以下内容求英文翻译 谢谢Another Adam Sandler movie. Another Chick Flick. Ano
1.RNA sequencing: the age years
3.求指导:ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined
8.画家卢梭 以下内容求英文翻译 谢谢
Another Adam Sandler movie. Another Chick Flick. Another romantic comedy. Another film that Rob Schneider ears in. All in all, another Spectacular Waste Of Time.
50 FIRST DATES is almost as painful as the brain injury it makes fun of.
Henry (Sandler) is a marine biologist at a SeaWorld in Hawaii. (If you can conceptualize Adam Sandler as a marine biologist, the rest of the outlandish and offensive concepts in the movie should just clack into place.) He's a philanderer, bedding women on vacation in Hawaii and forgetting them the next day.
I see an ironic twist coming like a wrecking ball shaped like stupid.
Henry falls for Lucy (Drew Barrymore, her lisping out of control from overdosing on coquettishness). Little does he know she suffers from short-term memory dysfunction - when she goes to sleep every night, her memory wipes clean. She retains memories up to the point of the accident that caused her condition.
So when Lucy sees Henry the next day, she doesn't know him. Who can blame her? Don't we all try to wipe Adam Sandler out of our minds daily? So begins Henry's odious quest to make Lucy remember him. Again. And again. And again. It's GROUNDHOG DAY for retards, i.e. Adam Sandler fans.
Written unthinkingly by George Wing (his first movie) and directed adequately by Peter Segal, the premise of 50 FIRST DATES is a lecher's wet dream, a sick exploitation. It is not even tragicomic - it is flatly simply a tragedy. You can sophomorically pass it off like a GILLIGAN'S ISLAND episode, but the reality is that this woman has BRAIN DAME! Movie about a disabled, fecund chick and the genetically-dysfunctional, horny philanderer trying to screw her. What makes anyone think (audience and movie characters alike) that Henry has "changed" since we met him as a slut? What has come to light is his pathological eccentricity in pursuing this woman whom he has no possibility of hing a future with.
If he was sincerely trying to cure her brain problem, we might excuse his randy "courting" - but he's simply trying to get into her pants - on the pretense of "noble love." He wants Lucy to regain her memory to remember HIM, not to improve her quality of life (even though we know that in his warped head, he is considering her memories of him as that very improvement).
Then there is the tragedy that is Sean Astin: from starring roles in three of the most renowned films in moviedom (Peter Jackson's stunning LORD OF THE RINGS series), here he slips backwards, downwards, almost too comfortably into the filth from whence he came - his Z-character niche - as Lucy's lisping, ambiguously-masculine brother, Doug. The mesh belly shirt doesn't help. Or maybe it helps too much.
Dou that Henry would be so intent on pursuing Lucy if she looked like Sean Astin in the belly shirt.
And Rob Schneider. At least Sandler tries for cred - with reputable roles in SPANGLISH, REIGN OVER ME, PUNCH DRUNK LOVE - but Schneider (playing Henry's idiot friend here - no surprise) has never chosen one redeeming role in his sloppy-seconds career. A one-trick pony with two broken legs.
Blake Clark plays Lucy's father. Dan Aykroyd slaps down a cameo as Lucy's doctor.
Henry's major breakthrough in bedding Lucy is creating a video, which Lucy must watch every morning, outlining her life from her accident to that point in time, including the bilious parts about her falling for Henry.
He gets his wish, gaming it so badass one day (one of the many days he has nothing better to do with his life) that he scores third base. Of course, no one questions the morals or gullibility of a woman who would watch a video, be convinced she is the victim of a memory-loss accident and then fall for the guy on the video who is telling her that she loves him.
Henry eventually sails off to "find his dream" but realizes Lucy retains some shred of him in her memory, so - talk about "dreamkiller" - he returns to port, to find that Lucy has been made Art Director of a Spastic Institute (is the movie trying to be ironic?), surrounding herself with her drawings of Henry, not understanding why an image of this ugly guy who looks like Adam Sandler is in her mind.
But how does she remember she is an Art Director every day? How does she perform her administrative job with no memories of the previous day? What's this Post-It on my desk? Where did I put my file of symposium attendees? Are the audience as stupid as we think they are to fall for this?
The movie's message is noxious and disturbing. There is no badness in Henry - he is not exploiting her or taking advantage of her - it is the opposite: his innocence in wanting to "love" her is a genetic mutation, and that's the disturbing part, because the movie tells us his behior is laudable. But there is no evolutionary reason for Henry to try this hard with Lucy when he already has the game to impregnate hundreds of other females. The psychology of growing closer to your partner is linked with "shared experiences." Lucy is never going to share any experiences with Henry, except those of a stranger within a 24-hour period. And even her day-to-day relationship with him is predicated on the fact that every single day she must believe she has lost her memory in the first place.
What does it say about Henry that he also must re-acclimatize himself with her confusion every morning? What kind of a sick person would get off on doing this every single day?
Now comes the easy part. Forget this movie.
RNA sequencing: the age years
但最近在做小RNA分析时却遇到了没有参考基因组注释文件(gtf/gff文件)的情况,而注释文件的缺失则意味传统的转录组定量分析是无法进行的。那在缺少注释文件的情况下,该如何进行定量分析呢?在各种搜索后发现了一款无需ming便可进行定量的软件—— Salmon 。
Salmon软件于2017年发表在Nature Methods,其题目为 《Salmon provides fast and bias-aware quantification of transcript expression》
Salmon 提供2种运行模式,一是quasi-ming直接读取 reads 文件;二是读取比对文件 sam/bam 进行ming。
简单来说,k-mer是一段长度为k的序列,而后面的mer即为monomeric unit(单体单元),也就是每个碱基。因k-mer包含k个碱基,若一段核酸序列长度为L,以一个碱基为步长滑动,那么根据这个核酸序列就可以得到L-k+1个k-mer;由于每个位点的碱基可以为(A、T、C、G)中的任意一个,因此k-mer理论上说有个不同的序列。原本一条长片段,就变成了很多短的片段,因此计算机处理的碱基数量也会增加很多倍。而且,每次取k-mer是同一条reads正反取两次,这就是对这条reads的反向互补序列再取一次k-mer。下面的图就形象化了这一过程,长度为15的序列,选取k-mer为5,那么就会得到11(15-5+1=11)个5-mer。
主要输出文件为 quant.sf ,该文件共有5列,分别是Name,Length ,EffectiveLength,TPM和NumReads。
cmd_info.json : JSON格式文件,记录salmon程序运行的命令和参数
lib_format_counts.json : Observed library format counts。当运行salmon是 ming-based mode时,则会生成改文件。 JSON格式文件,记录有关文库格式和reads比对的情况。
eq_classes.txt : Equivalence class file。当Salmon运行时,应用参数--dumpEq,则会生成此文件。
aux_info : 文件夹,内含多个文件
fld.gz :在文件夹中,该文件记录的是观察到的片段长度分布的近似值
obs5_seq.gz, obs3_seq.gz, exp5_seq.gz, exp5_seq.gz : Sequence-specific bias files
expected_gc.gz, observed_gc.gz : 当Salmon运行时,应用fragment-GC bias correction,在文件夹中则会生成这两个文件。记录Fragment-GC bias。
meta_info.json : JSON格式文件,记录salmon程序运行的统计信息
ambig_info.tsv : tab分隔符的文本文件,含有两列。记录的是每个转录本对应的 the number of uniquely-ming reads 和 the total number of ambiguously-ming reads
Transcripts Per Kilobase of exonmodel per Million med reads (每千个碱基的转录每百万映射读取的Transcripts),优化的RPKM计算方法,可以用于同一物种不同组织的比较。
计算公式:PMi=(Ni/Li)*1000000/sum(Ni/Li+……..+ Nm/Lm)
其中:Ni:ming到基因i上的read数; Li:基因i的外显子长度的总和
RNA-Seq的发展已经历经了10余年,现在几乎已经成为了各种生物学研究的标配。在RNA-Seq的应用中,differential gene expression(DGE,差异基因表达)无疑是最广泛的。相比于以前,DGE的步骤并没有太多的区别:实验部分还是提取RNA、mRNA富集或者核糖体去除,cDNA合成、建库。测序深度一般就是10-30M reads。测序完成之后就是分析:比对/或者组装(取决于有参还是无参),计数,过滤或者标准化,然后就是应用统计模型来找到差异基因/转录本。
除了DGE之外,RNA-Seq还可以帮助我们理解如可变剪切、非编码RNA、enhancer RNA等问题。当然,这些技术大部分还是利用illumina的short-read来做的。但近几年来,在long-read方面的技术也逐步在帮助我们解决一些short-read所不能解决的问题。
相比于之前的芯片,RNA-Seq建库更加的方便,测序也更加的便宜,配套的分析方法也更加的完善。而且,short-read RNA-Seq的数据质量也很好,在平台内和跨平台的稳定性也很高。尽管如此,在建库和分析的过程中还是会有一些问题。比如说,我们可能不能正确地鉴定和定量来自同一个基因的不同isoform。再比如说,不同的技术对于ambiguous或者multi-med reads有着不同的定量方法。
相比于之前用short-read拼成长read,PacBio和Nanopore的long-read技术能够克服short-read技术自身的一些缺陷。例如,ambiguous reads会少很多,也可以帮助鉴定捕捉到更多的isoform,同时,也可以帮助减少一些short-read RNA-Seq工具带来的splice-junction错误。
这部分介绍了下Nanoprore的long-read( 可以直接测RNA的 )技术,讲了下建库,还讲了下long-read技术相比于short-read有一些优点:可以提高isoform的检测,可以用来 估计polyA的长度 。Nanopore自己研发了nanopolish-polya可以用nanopore自己的数据来计算polyA的长度。这个分析已经证明了那些保留内含子的转录本,会比完全剪切的转录本,含有更长的polyA尾巴。同时,这种直接测RNA的long-read对于 RNA碱基修饰 的检测也会有一定的作用。
short-read一般是10 9-10 10数量级,而Pacbio和ONT则是10 6-10 7数量级。这种低通量会导致差异基因检测的sensitivity下降。不过,并不是所有的地方都需要用到高通量的。如果你只是希望发现isoform或者说更看中length而不是depth,那么这种缺点也没有关系了。而且,read depth事实上只对于一些中低表达的差异基因影响比较大,对于高表达的基因,影响不是那么的大。
long-read要想撼动short-read在差异基因上的优势,其还得提升2-3个数量级才可以。不过,一旦通路上去了,long-read就能到达跟short-read一样的 sensitivity ,但会有更高的 specificity 。
相比于传统的illumina short-read测序,三代的测序错误率要高1-2个数量级,一般的错误是插入-缺失错误。不过对于RNA-Seq来说,这个错误倒不是那么的致命。因为RNA-Seq并不要求每个碱基都是正确的,它只要能够比对到转录本/isofrom上就行。当然,对于高错误率,也有一些解决办法。因为三代的测序错误是随机发生的,像Pacbio就可以利用CCS来一遍遍地测来进行纠错。不过,如果花太多的在纠错上,可能会导致最后unique Transcript会比较少,毕竟我们也不可能无限地去测。
现在大部分文章用的RNA-Seq建库都是用oligo-dT去富集polyA尾的mRNA。但是这种方法会造成3' biased,同时也不能检测一些非编码RNA,比如说miRNA,enhancer RNA等。尽管如此,直接去除oligo-dT富集也是不对的,因为你可能最后95%的reads都是rRNA了。
作者还介绍了WTA建库过程中的核糖体去除方法(应该是WTA建库过程中,这里我也不太清除)。一种是把rRNA从其他RNA中分离出来(所谓的pull-out),另一种是用RNase H选择性地降解rRNA。
这里作者介绍了一种转录本3'端富集的建库方法,这种方法测序深度会更低,同时read长度会更短。这种方法比较适合于想要在基因水平做差异表达或者有大量的样本重复要做的情况。相对应的数据分析也会有一定的简化,不需要exon-junction detection和基因长度的标准化。不过这种方法对于一些同源基因的定量效果并不是很好,同时也不适合isoform分析。
作者也提到这种3'富集的方法可以帮助我们探究3‘ UTR的调控机制。这种调控机制可以帮助我们理解miRNA的调控、mRNA的稳定性、定位以及翻译。
RNA-Seq的数据经常会有很高的重复率,即许多read ming在了同一位点上。 WGS产生的重复reads我们经常会定是PCR那步产生的technical biases,所以我们一般是去掉的。但RNA-Seq的重复reads,我们实际上是分不出其是真实的生物学信号还是PCR technical biases,所以一般是不去的。
这种重复在单端测序的时候更常见,因为单端只有一条read,如果是ming 在同一地方,就会认为是重复。而双端只有两条read都ming在同一地方,才会认为是重复。
总得来说,重复的重要性是大于测序深度和read length的。尽管RNA-Seq的技术稳定性要高于以前的芯片,但做生物学重复还是很有必要的。用额外的重复可以帮助我们鉴定离群点,从而在进行下一步分析前,移除离群点或者下调这些离群点的权重。
一般来说我们是测10-30M reads。但如果你的样本重复够多,且你只关注一些高表达基因的差异,那么对于很多样本来说,1M reads就可以有差不多的效果了。reads depth的估计可以检查在样本间的reads分布以及饱和曲线。
对于很多测序,read length是越高越好的,因为其可以保证更多的DNA覆盖率。但对于RNA-Seq来说,并不是那么的重要。因为你只需要知道这个read来源于哪里即可,过长的read对于最终的定量并没有太多的影响。当然,如果你想要分析isofrom,那更长的read是会有帮助的。
如果没有高质量的参考基因组,就要考虑比对时候先拼接转录本,然后再把read和拼接的转录组进行比对。工具有StringTie 和SOAPdenovo-Trans。除了对于非参物种的研究,这种方法还适用于异常转录本(比如说癌组织)。
近年来,还发展出了一些“alignment-free tools”,比如说Sailfish,Kallisto和Salmon。这类工具直接是把reads和转录本关联起来,并不需要额外的定量步骤。这些工具在高丰度表达的基因上表现比较好,而在低丰度或者短转录本上表现较差。
总的来说,不同的ming工具差异体现在如何分配一部分read上,比如说multi-med read或者ambiguously ming read上。
通常的定量工具有RSEM、CuffLinks、MMSeq、HTSeq以及前面提到过的alignment-free工具。不同的工具对于align reads的处理是不一样的,比如有些是直接丢掉,有些是经过一定的方法进行估计。
通常来说,为了避免测序深度、表达模式,技术biases,我们会对表达矩阵进行一定的过滤和标准化。过滤一般就是去掉那些低表达的基因,标准化就稍微复杂点,需要考虑到GC含量以及测序深度。 早期的一些标准化方法比如RPKM,现在已经证明是不可取的了 ,取而代之的是一些如quartile or median normalization方法。
选择不同的标准化方法会对最终的差异结果有很大的影响。一般来说,大部分标准化的工具都 基于两个设。第一是在重复样本之间,绝大部分的基因表达水平是一致的。第二个是在不同样本之间,总的mRNA水平并不会有非常显著的区别 。这两个设是非常重要的,因为当你的样本不符合这两个基本设的时候,就要考虑用不同的标准化方法了。(最明显的例子应该还是肿瘤的例子)
作者这里提了下单细胞的不同建库方法,不过我觉得要是想看详细的还是建议去看对应的单细胞综述。不过这里作者提到了要根据你自己的目的去选择对应的单细胞方法,即考虑测序的深度(每个细胞测尽可能多的转录本)和测序的广度(测更多的细胞)以及花费。一般来说,plate-based 或者 microfluidic methods 捕捉的细胞数目较少,但每个细胞能检测到更多的基因。而droplet-based systems 则可以捕捉更多的细胞
不管是bulk还是single-cell,实际上最后的测序结果都是丢失空间信息的。而空间信息的建立对于我们探究细胞环境与细胞表达的关系是至关重要的。文章里面提到了两种空间转录组的方法:“spatial encoding”和“in situ transcriptomics”。
spatial encoding又分成两种,一种是isolating spatially restricted cells(比如是显微激光切割,LCM(laser-capture microdissection )),另一种是利用barcoding。前者已经在多个组织样本中实现了,但其要求的设备很多,比较难以推广。现在的 10X 空间转录组 和 Slide-Seq 都是用的barcoding来标记RNA,从而记录空间信息。不过,现在的空间转录组很多分辨率并没有达到单细胞的水平,这也是一个比较麻烦的地方。
In situ transcriptomics用的是另一种思路,即单分子荧光原位杂交。这种方法尽管只能检测少量转录本,但其的确可以直接检测RNA,提供组织信息以及微环境,甚至还可以产生亚细胞数据。不过这个技术也需要显微成像设备的支持。
因为RNA-Seq一般来说只是研究了成熟mRNA。但真正的RNA合成是一个mRNA转录,加工和降解相互平衡的过程(这让我想起了单细胞分析中比较火的RNA速率分析)。所以这里作者讲了两者研究RNA动态的方法,一种是利用nascent RNA研究RNA的动态转录,一种是利用ribosome-profiling 研究RNA的动态翻译过程。由于我也不做这方面,大家感兴趣的可以自己去看看。
求指导:ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined
话说得不清不楚,含含糊糊。 形容 有 顾虑 , 不敢 把话照直说出来。
成语出处: 宋·袁燮《絜斋集》第十八卷:“是非予夺,多 含糊其辞 ;公则不然,可则曰可, 否则 曰否。”
成语例句: 发表时候,为了避免检查,有的地方 故意 含糊其辞 ,现在把它们弄明确了。
繁体写法: 含糊其辞
注音: ㄏㄢˊ ㄏㄨ ㄑㄧˊ ㄘㄧˊ
含糊其辞的近义词: 闪烁其辞 闪烁:光一闪一闪,比喻说话吞吞吐吐。指说话吞吞吐吐,不肯透露真相或回避要害问题。
含糊其辞的反义词: 单刀直入 原意是勇猛前进,现在则比喻说话直截了当,锋芒甚锐 若是作家战将,便请单刀直入。宋? 心直口快 性情直爽,有话就说 薛蟠本是个心直口快的人,见不得这样藏头露尾的事。《红楼梦》 开门见山 ∶比喻说话、写文章直截了当,一开始就涉及主题一种不拘形式、开门见山的外交
成语语法: 偏正式;作谓语、定语、状语;指话说得不清不楚
常用程度: 常用成语
感情.色彩: 中性成语
成语结构: 偏正式成语
产生年代: 古代成语
英语翻译: talk ambiguously; in vague terms
俄语翻译: не говорить ничего внятного 其他翻译: <法>double entendre
成语谜语: 不明而告别
读音注意: 糊,不能读作“hū”。
写法注意: 糊,不能写作“瑚”。
歇后语: 大舌头读报;没牙佬念文章
全部写成 表|表别名.字段 可避免。
中文发音: hán hú qí cí。
成语出处:明 冯梦龙《东周列国志》第57回:“二人先受岸贾之嘱,含糊其词,不肯替赵氏分辨。”
成语造句:发表时候,为了避免检查,有的地方故意含糊其辞,现在把它们弄明确了。(沙汀《短篇集 后记》)
英语翻译:talk ambiguously; in vague terms
辞严意正 同“辞严义正”。
辞严谊正 同“辞严义正”。
辞严义正 辞:言词,语言。义:道理。言辞严厉,义理正大。
辞穷理尽 辞:文辞;穷:完,尽。无话可说,无理可辩
辞丰意雄 辞:文词;雄:庞大威武。文词丰盛,意气雄伟
辞喻横生 横生:横逸而出。言辞生动,横逸而出
商务便装Business Casual
Business casual is an ambiguously defined dress code that has been adopted by many professional and white-collar workplaces in Western countries. It entails neat yet casual attire and is generally more casual than informal attire but more formal than casual or smart casual attire.
因为不尽相同,所以艺术品才会有这样多不同的面貌。像布朗库西能够把他的“空间之鸟”打磨得那样光滑,让青铜的雕像几乎变成了一种跃动的光与速度。而麦约却要把流动的“河流”停住,在铅质的女体雕像里显示出一种厚重的量感来。毕沙洛的光影世界永远安详平和,而一样的光影在孟克的笔触里却总是充满了颤栗和不安。Because of not the same, therefore the art there will be so many different earance. As Brancusi was able to put his" bird in space" polished so smooth, so the bronze statue has become something of a moving light and speed. And Maillol turns flow" rivers" to stop, the lead female body inside the statue shows a hey weight to. Bishalo light 's always peaceful and placid, but the same light in Munch's brushwork is always full of thrills and uneasy.每一个优秀的艺术家走到极致的时候,就好像在生命里为我们开了一扇窗户,我们在一扇又一扇不同的风景之前屏息静立,在感动的同时,也要学会选择我们所要的和我们不得不舍弃的。Every great artist go to the extreme of time, just like in life for us to open a window, we in a fan and a different scenery before static breath, in moving at the same time, also must learn to choose what we want and we had to give up.(三)( three)当然,有些人是例外,就好像在生命里也常有些无法解释的例外一样。Of course, some people are exceptions, just like in life are often some unexplained exception.在美术史里,有些例外的艺术家,就像天马行空一般地来去自如,在他们的一生里,几乎就没有所谓“极限”这一件事。In art history, some exceptions to the artist, as a powerful and unconstrained style generally freely, in their lifetime, almost no so-called "extreme" this one thing.像对那个从天文、数学到物理无所不能,无所不精的达文西,我们该怎么办呢?Like the from astronomy, mathematics to physics be equal to anything, everything fine Da Vince, what should we do?也许只能够把他放在一旁,不和他比较了吧?不然,要怎样才能平息我们心中那如火一般燃烧着的羡慕与嫉妒呢?Perhaps can only put him aside, and he compared? Otherwise, how can we end our hearts the fire burning envy and jealousy?(四)( four)我相信艺术家都是些善妒的人。I believe that the artist is more jealous man.因为善妒,所以别人的长处才会刺痛了自己的心,因为善妒,所以才会努力用功,想要达到自己心中给自己拟定的远景。Because of jealousy, so others will hurt her heart, because jealous, so will be hard, want to achieve their own to develop their own vision.因为善妒,所以才会用一生的时光来向自己证明——我也可以做得和他们一样好,甚至更好。Because of jealousy, so it will be with my entire life time to prove to myself -- I can be as good as they are, even better.不然,美术史里那些伟大的感人的作品要怎样来解释呢,为什么会有人肯把生命里面最精华的时光与力量,放在那些好像并没有任何实质意义的东西上面去呢?Otherwise, art history in the great moving works how to explain it, why would anyone want to take life and the essence of time and strength, on those don't seem to he any real significance thing go?当然,你也可以说,创作的欲望来自人类内心的需求,是一种最最原始也最最自然的呼唤,我也完全同意。但是,我要强调的是,在创作的过程里,如果发现有人远远地超过了我们,在那一刹那,像是有火在心里燃烧的那种又痛又惊的感觉,对我们其实是并没有坏处的。Of course, you can also say, creating the desire from human feelings, is one of the most primordial and the nature of the call, I totally agree. However, I want to stress is that, in the process of creation, if someone is found far more than we, at that moment, like a fire in my heart and senses that pain and panic feeling, for we are actually harmless.因为,只有在那种时刻里,我们才能猛然省悟,猛然发现自己的落后是因为没有尽到全力。Because, only at that time, and we can suddenly Shengwu, suddenly found themselves behind is because did not do my best.把海浪掀激起来的,不就是那种使海洋又痛又惊的疾风吗?The opening shock up, the sea is not the pain and surprise of the gale?(五)( five)也喜欢那些在安静地埋首努力着的艺术家。Also like those in the quiet one to work with the artists.在他们一生的创作过程里,其实就是一种自我的发现与自我的追寻。In their life the creation process, in fact is a kind of self discovery and pursuit of selfhood.一个艺术家也许可以欺骗所有的人,但是,他无法欺瞒他自己。因为,不管群众给他的评价是什么,他最后所要面对的最严苛的评判者,其实是他自己。An artist may fool all of the people, however, he cannot deceive himself. Because, no matter what the masses to his evaluation is, he has to face the harsh judge, is his own.所以,当一个艺术家可以坦然面对自己的时候,他的面容自然会平和安详,谈话间的语气也自然地会缓慢和从容起来。Therefore, when an artist can face their own time, and his face will be peaceful and quiet, a conversation between two tone also naturally slow and calm.每次和他们在一起,我心里都有种羞惭不安的感觉,和这些人相比,我是怎样的无知和急躁啊!And every time they are together, my heart has a kind of shame feeling of unease, and these were compared, how I was ignorant and impatient!喜欢和他们一起画画,有时候是在一个市场的三楼,小小的画室里能有着温暖的灯光和温暖的关怀。有时候是在闹市狭窄巷弄里的一座平房,光洁古老的地板上隐约看出一些油画颜料留下的色点。Love and they work together, sometimes in a market on the third floor, a small studio has a warm light and warm care. Sometimes it is right in the narrow alleys in a bungalow, smooth old floor vaguely see some oil paint left color point.在这些画室里的艺术家都早已进入中年,却仍然安静地在走着这条从非常年轻的时候就已经开始走了的路。我每次走进画室时都会有一种触动,有时候是因为他们迎接我时的天真的笑容,有时候是因为他们脸颊上深深的纹路,有时候是因为他们花白的鬓角,有时候是因为画室中央那一把春天的花束;而更多的时候是因为画室里那一种亲切熟悉的气氛,混合着画布和亚麻仁油以及颜料的淡淡气味,朝我迎来。In the studio artists well into middle age, but still quietly walking in this article from a very young age began to walk the road. Every time I walked into the studio, there will be a touch, sometimes because they meet the innocent smile, sometimes because they face deep lines, sometimes because they are graying sideburns, sometimes because the studio central that a spring bouquet; but more often because the studio one a familiar atmosphere, mixed with linseed oil and pigment canvas and faint smell, I come in.是啊!就这样在这些熟悉的气氛与气味之间过完我的一生吧。让我们从复杂曲折的世界里脱身,一起把这样的夜晚献给那极明净又极单纯的绘画吧。让我们走入心灵的最深处,在茂密的森林里寻找各人自己原来该有的面貌。Yeah! So in these familiar atmosphere between smell and live my life. Let us get away from the complicated world, together with the night to the very clean and very simple painting. Let us walk in the deepest heart, in a dense forest to find his own some of the features of the original.然后,在这样一个共聚的夜晚之后,带着画完或者没画完的作品,带着一颗安静而又微醺的心,我们在星光或者月光之下彼此轻声道别。Then, in such a way that the copolymerization of night, with painted or finished works, with a quiet and sweet heart, we in the starlight or moonlight each other and say goodbye.
画家卢梭 以下内容求英文翻译 谢谢
1. We're not sure whether they are letting us lee, so we will continue waiting.
2.我们都知道他不诚实而且经常撒谎。(it's known to sb...)
It's known to all of us that he's not truthful and constantly lies.
3.说实话,他是个靠得住的人。(depend on)
3. To tell the truth, he is a person we can depend on.
4.他怎样克服那个坏习惯,谁也不清楚。(get rid of)
How he got rid of that bad habit, no one knows for sure.
5.他们在月球上的感觉和在地球上听说的完全不一样。(be different from)
What they experienced on the moon was completely different from what they had heard while on Earth.
According to the news, the epidemic has spread throughout the city.
As the public knows, polluted air and water are harmful to our bodies.
8.金星(the Venus)表面是否有水还不得而知。(surface)
Whether there is water on the surface of Venus is still unknown.
Regardless of whoever wants me to answer phone calls, tell them that I'm busy right now.
We are currently searching for ways to prevent the spread of harmful chemicals in the air.
His grandfather is sitting on the armchair with a newspaper in his hands.
She has a talent for learning laugnages.
As opposed to saying this is blue, it's better to say that it's green.
He seems to he a talent for learning music.
I can faintly make out the moving shadows of three people in the distance.
I accompanied him all the way to the public transportation station.
We started out at daybreak.
We had trouble deciding whether to walk east or west.
In recent years, the new has devoted a lot of time to bettering the lives of farmers.
2.专门为孩子们创造的节目现在变得越来越多。(intend for)
There are more and more programs intended for children now.
If she behed as her parents told her to, then she would never he accomplished so much in Medicine School.
4.花木兰女扮男装,替父从军的故事家喻户晓。(dress sb.)
The story of Mulan dressing herself as boy to take her father's place in the army is a household story.
Only when you grow up, will you understand everything your parents did for you.
~ · ~ · ~ · ~
Henry Rousseau (Henri Rousseau, 1844-1910)
France SuRen painter, professional for customs member, in GongYu weekend and retirement before painting. His self-taught, no formal painting training, he is very fascinating to painting, at forty, resigned from his job, becoming a professional painter.
He is good at depicting the mysterious, peculiar and imaginative characters and spectacle of painter, his painting a magical, dream tropical jungle scene.
Rousseau work simple naive, a uniquely case. Picasso is like Rousseau's work, Picasso home restaurant is hanged a portrait of Rousseau, he like simple naive works, he said: "I spent all my life, learn how to draw a like a child."
And many great painter, his poor, but in the heart to extrapolate, enjoy the fun of the art of infinite. Rousseau is guileless nature, like a still retain childlike big kid. He open, honest, sincere, gentle, naive, begin with children of painting mind, his painting is not visual imagery, not real material world, but is he in the brains of the reconstruction of the picture. Painting in form and color of fancy order, containing a past, present and future of abstract space and time, mysterious quiet light, etc, are like children's dream as hy, transparent, unreal.
Rousseau like little children like listening to stories, especially trelers store of information. According to their own imagine he painted many exotic amorous feelings, the people in the picture calendar, photographs and often reference to describe. In the picture the botanist plant raisal, and most of them are imaginary.
Once, he was a ager when, to cheat money in the bank, in the court of the lawyer draw to the judge see Rousseau, the judge that he really look naive, results acquittal.
Rousseau painting is very serious, and sometimes also with feet is the size of the model, and then be reduced proportion in the picture. In his writings, original mysterious forest landscape implicit of infinite life, complain in the fantasy the fragrance, pure vivid and poetic.
Rousseau's jungle paintings "by" dream ", "plays a snake female", "the strange scenery", "the hungry lion", "be leopards against horse", "be leopards attack of black," "little waterfall" and a number of exotic tropical jungle describe of the painting. These painting involves the existence of mankind, the mystery of nature and the relationship between man and nature, etc, showing the life the most magical and the most secretive, the most elusive fantastic things. In the jungle, tree bark, flowers, lees, fruits, distinctive and animals naturally ambiguously among them, animal looks someone spiritual, people looked like animals, plants and rich vitality. These painting is full of vitality, the thick, fill the picture of the forest, exotic fruits and flowers, lovely, rich spiritual animals, mysterious character, constitute the vibrant jungle constant wonderland figure, cause people to the tropical jungle daydream and yearning. The most magical is he hasn't been to the real jungle, can't personally reciate and experience the scenery and breath. However his descriptions of the jungle is so full of vigor and magic, lifelike. In his extraordinary imagination under, the jungle is depicted as if xanadu wonderland for the general, esthetic. The picture is tonal and lively, with dark green attune is given priority to, just with the lees of the variety of 20 two-tone green.